Sam LOmingshum has been photographing and designing for more than 10 years. He is originally from Hong Kong, have also lived and worked in Singapore and Macau. Sam currently reside in London, working for one of the most well-known hotel design company in the industry. He is constantly traveling for work and exploring the world. So far, he has set foot in more than 30 counties in the world.
Sam is keen on capturing any given beautiful moments. Not only he uses light sensitively and he has his way blending into the space and interacting with the crowds so that the most authentic moment can be captured. Sam also enjoys taking architecture and landscape shots, to explore and express the relationship between human & places.
Hope you enjoyed the moments that shared in this web page. If you like the aesthetics and are looking for photographer. Please contact. Sam would love to help grabbing that moments for you.
Current location
London, UK
+44 757 2143 949
© Sam LOmingshum 2013 - 2019
All rights reserved. No material contained within this website may be reproduced, distributed, modified, transmitted, reused or adapted without the prior written permission of Sam LOmingshum.